Author name: Martin Mendelson

Setting Business Goals with a Dash of Culinary Wisdom 

🍲 So, I was cooking for some friends this past weekend, and as usual, I was following mise-en-place practice. This is a French term for “put in place,” it means that ingredients are prepped, tools are gathered, and everything is organized before cooking begins.  🧠I had this brainstorm about how goal setting and achievement are like […]

Setting Business Goals with a Dash of Culinary Wisdom  Read More »

Empowering Your 2024: 24 Tips to Cultivating a Positive Mindset. 

As 2024 approaches, I wanted to share some practices to help you and your teams set the tone for a positive and fulfilling journey.   Here are my 24 actionable insights to help shape a positive mindset and contribute to your personal and professional well-being.  1.    Set clear and achievable goals for the year: Define specific, realistic

Empowering Your 2024: 24 Tips to Cultivating a Positive Mindset.  Read More »

Setting Personal Boundaries for a More Balanced Holiday Season

As the holiday season approaches, finding a balance between spreading cheer and maintaining your well-being is crucial. This newsletter will discuss establishing personal boundaries to maintain a more balanced and enjoyable holiday season.  It is important to start by discussing what setting boundaries means. Setting boundaries defines and communicates the limits, expectations, and personal rules

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There Are No Good People To Hire & No One Wants to Work Anymore

Sound familiar? Have you said this to yourself? Have you heard this from others? There is no one to hire! I have heard many crazy stories about the hiring process and employees who leave after years of service under genuinely awful circumstances. Your stories are real, and your negative feelings about the past are valid.

There Are No Good People To Hire & No One Wants to Work Anymore Read More »

Imposter Syndrome and Ego: Two Sides of the Same Coin or Completely Different Concepts?

Imposter syndrome and ego are often seen as opposite sides of the same coin; in some cases, they may overlap or present similarly. Imposter syndrome can affect people from all walks of life, regardless of their profession or level of expertise. However, research suggests that it may be more prevalent among high-achieving professionals, such as

Imposter Syndrome and Ego: Two Sides of the Same Coin or Completely Different Concepts? Read More »

Suffering In Silence: You Do Not Have To Go It Alone.

Suffering in silence can have negative impacts on mental and physical health, as well as personal relationships. Seeking support from others and professional help when facing challenges is essential. This support can lead to a better understanding of the issue, increased self-awareness, and improved coping skills. Being transparent about mental health in the workplace can

Suffering In Silence: You Do Not Have To Go It Alone. Read More »

Why Your Mindset About the Economy Will Cost You More Than the Economy Ever Will

I have been noticing a great deal of uncertainty lately in my corporate and professional clients, especially when it comes to thoughts about the economy. Current world events, polarization, and elections will do that.  A study from 2020 by economists Nicholas Bloom and Johnathan Rodden, who are senior fellows at the Stanford Institute for Economic Policy Research

Why Your Mindset About the Economy Will Cost You More Than the Economy Ever Will Read More »

Ghosting in the Workplace is Not About You! The Six Steps to a Response.

We’ve all heard of ghosting, but what about in the workplace? People are bombarded these days by all sorts of communications and have trouble keeping up. One statistic claims that 83% of US workers suffer from work-related stress, with 25% saying that their job is the number one stressor in their lives. Most of the

Ghosting in the Workplace is Not About You! The Six Steps to a Response. Read More »

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