Sound familiar? Have you said this to yourself? Have you heard this from others? There is no one to hire!
I have heard many crazy stories about the hiring process and employees who leave after years of service under genuinely awful circumstances. Your stories are real, and your negative feelings about the past are valid. You have every right to be angry and frustrated.
However, there are pitfalls to using your past hire experiences with individual human beings and projecting those onto others.
What is the problem with this? The future hasn’t happened yet, and you are assuming that the behaviors of individuals from the past will be repeated by individuals to hire in the future.
Why is this a problem? The connection between our thoughts and our actions can be cancer that invades any organization. That is what this edition of the Transformation Times focuses upon. Not the actions of others but your thought processes influenced by past experiences.
The connection between our thoughts and our actions can be cancer that invades any organization.
The US Bureau of Labor and Statistics claims that negativity costs businesses 3 billion annually. Additional research suggests a strong connection between thoughts and actions and that our ideas can influence our behavior.
One of the fundamental theories in this area is the cognitive-behavioral theory, which suggests that our thoughts, emotions, and behaviors are interconnected. According to this theory, our thoughts influence our feelings, which in turn influence our behaviors. For example, if we have negative thoughts about ourselves, we may feel anxious or depressed, leading to social withdrawal or avoidance behaviors.
Studies have also shown that our thoughts can influence our physical performance. For example, athletes who engage in positive self-talk, such as telling themselves, “I can do this,” have performed better than those who engage in harmful or no self-talk.
Overall, the research suggests that there is a strong connection between our thoughts and our actions. By becoming more aware of our thoughts and learning to manage them effectively, we can improve our behavior and achieve our goals.
So what are some strategies to combat negative thoughts affecting your actions?
- Identify negative thought patterns: Pay attention to the thoughts that go through your mind, particularly when feeling down or anxious. Write them down, and then try to identify any patterns or themes.
- Challenge negative thoughts: Once you have identified negative thought patterns, challenging them is essential. Ask yourself: How true is that? Try reframing negative thoughts into more positive or realistic ones.
- Practice self-compassion: Be kind to yourself when negative thoughts arise. Recognize that everyone experiences negative thoughts and emotions at times. Your past is your past, be kind, and do not allow the negative past to dictate a negative future.
If negative thoughts persist and impact your daily life, seeking support from a mental health professional may be helpful. They can provide additional strategies and support to help you combat negative thoughts and improve your mental well-being. It is ok not to be ok, and there is strength in asking for help.
Next month, we will discuss the benefit and psychology of policies, procedures, and protocols that can help any leader navigate dicey situations and minimize the negativity in a case.
Drop me a line if you have topic ideas for future editions of the Transformation Times.