Justin Patton and the Number One Thing He Believes Holds Us Back

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Justin Patton

Welcome everyone to Conversations with Doc Martin!

In this video series, we’re focused on extraordinary people doing extraordinary things

Today we talk with Justin Patton, who is an international speaker and executive leadership coach who challenges leaders to think differently about how they lead and communicate. Justin is an award-winning author of three books, a certified professional coach, a faculty member of the US Chamber of Commerce, and has coached thousands and thousands of individual managers from small businesses, to the C-Suite of Fortune 500 companies. 

One of the things I’ve learned through my experiences, especially when working with Justin, is that oftentimes I was the thing holding myself back from my next level of success.

In today’s interview, Justin starts off by telling us what he says is his core story, and says that we all usually have that one thing that has kind of shaped or defined our life and making changes. He talks about a tragedy that happened during his younger years, and how that negatively affected him into disconnecting and living life in a sub-par way for roughly 12 years.

It wasn’t until he was about 30 where he kind of had his “breakthrough” as he explains how he kind of got pushed out of a company he loved, and that ended up being the turning point he needed. From there he decided to really look at himself in a different way, get some feedback from some people that he needed to hear from. He says while it wasn’t comfortable to hear, it allowed him to make some different decisions and change where the course of his life was going.

We discussed how so many people get caught up in too many “what if’s” and end up being too fearful to take action and to move forward, but what most people don’t realize is that while they may be fearful of what may happen in the future, the future stuff doesn’t happen if you don’t take the steps today. 

Justin talks about the reason why he believes most people get “stuck” is because they won’t give themselves permission to reimagine what life could be like or how they could show up differently. He says this is why he loves coaching, because people don’t need to change who they are or be fixed, they are not broken. They just need someone to challenge the way they think, but in a way that they feel comfortable and safe, allowing themselves to be open minded to the fact they may be wrong, or that it’s okay to look at something from someone else’s perspective, and be curious as to why that person has that perspective.

People unconsciously step away from their best selves for so long, that it becomes their normal and they become blind to how much things have changed.

Justin gives an example of this with one of his light bulbs that had gone out in his bathroom. He was traveling to different places every week for work, and one of his three bathroom light bulbs had gone out. He kept putting off fixing it for so long because he was traveling so much that when he finally went to fix it, there had been two out of the three out. The thing was, he’d become so accustomed to there being a light out, he never realized the second one had gone too. Once he replaced both light bulbs, he was shocked he had allowed it to go on so long, because the difference was now so noticeable.

We cover all of this and so much more during the rest of the interview. For the full version, head on over to Conversations with Doc Martin on YouTube, or check out the Podcast!

Justin’s Website: http://justinpatton.com/
Justin’s Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jpinspires/
Justin’s LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jpinspires/

The 15 Commitments of Conscious Leadership Book: Get the Book on Amazon Here

Inspiring Quote from the Interview

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